Friday, March 27, 2009

Val Ups the Ante

Valentina was late with the teeth debut but the poor girl showed up with TWO teeth at once :cringe: I have no idea what that must have been like for her but it does explain a lot of unresolved crankiness & clingyness to me lately. Without further a due here's our 2 new teeth!

Val's Teeth!

I wonder if the girls will be as competitive as they seem to be right now. I know teeth is not really any show of skill but it sure is interesting how they develop. Cati will attempt things first (my little explorer), like semi-crawling, and then Val will come along & decide to do it just a liiiiittle bit better then her sister.

Well Cati retaliated with this....

Cati & her new cup

Sip sip sip

Taking on the sippy cup like a CHAMP!!

And Valentina is still trying to decide what this whole thing is about.

Val & her new cup

I guess she's reading the fine print.....

Competition in good fun is healthy & they will have no shortage of it in our house.


Cati outside

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


From the moment I got pregnant with the girls I find myself with too many options to choose from. Did you know there's about 50 different preganancy tests out there? Then there's finding the right sleeping pillow so you can, get this, SLEEP while you're pregnant. I went through about 4 only to realize that there's no such thing as sleeping while pregnant with twins. And the baby stuff was just insane what stroller to get, baby seats, play pens, cribs, etc. etc. Once again as my girls move into a different phase in their life I'm faced with too many options.

Sippy Cups?? Who knew there are about 1,000 different options out there. So there's this...

And this..

And of course this..

And remember it needs to be BPA moms know what the heck this means. But then we have free flowing, low suctions, sippy with a straw, all the bells & whistles you can think of. Here I thought I was going in to buy a simple cup so the girls start drinking water/juice on their own. It should have been a 15 minute trip to the baby store...turned out to be like an hour! Who knew?

And now that the girls are starting to use their feet to move around...the stylish unparctical shoes are no longer suitable for their tiny tootsies mainly because they fall off their feet or can easily be taken off by someone..hmmm. And there is no shortage of options here either. This of course makes a lot more sense to me. There can never be too many shoes. Let's see, there's Robeez, and PediPeds, and of course the ones we all know & love, Stride Rite.

When it comes to shoes, well who can argue with having a good assortment of shoes to choose from, right? I won't mention how many shoes the girls now own, as this information can be used against me by my husband :)

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Countdown to 10 months...

This has probably been the most exciting month so far in this first year of peanuts' life. We went from some hum drum moments to all out fireworks at our house.

Val's very first tooth is about to make it's appearance! YAY lil peanut. I felt the tip of it this weekend but not enough to take a pic but it's there.

Then the peanuts went from sitting up on their own & quietly (most of the time) observing the hey I want to be an active part of this world and now they're crawling without a second thought, pulling themselves up to standing position, maybe I can walk, & definitely getting INTO things :the horror:

Don't tell Jorge his video games were rearranged :)

As my girls find their new found freedom I can't help but feel mine slipping away. Let's be real who really has "time to kill" when you have twins. But on occassion I could sneak in a few minutes here & there to make my family a decent meal, pay some bills online, send out a couple of emails & maybe sit & blog for a minute or two. All that has changed. It's like I can't let them out of my sight. No bathroom breaks, snack breaks, email breaks, or I just need to sit for second breaks. Oh no there will be none of that. That's all a thing of the past.

While I'm ecstactic to see the girls progress my world as I know it has turned into one giant ball of fear...will they fall? will they crack their head open? will they swallow some foreign object they found under the couch? (I swear I clean as much as I can) will they find the stairs? and climb them?! will one hurt the other one so bad I'll wind up in the ER? will my house ever be the safe again???

And yet there's some pretty cool moments to having them so active & mobile these days. Like for instance...we've formed an all girl band. The GO-GOs got nothing on us! ha ha


And shopping is alot more fun when there's 3 of us....


And we can do things like swimming....


One minute my heart stops in utter fear & the next might heart skips a beat because they are what I love most in this world...



Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker!

Monday, March 9, 2009

What A Difference A Day Makes

For two reasons...the first is the amazing spring fever we got this past weekend. God only knows how much I loathe the winter season. I walked out at 7am to walk my pooches & I think even they were surprised to feel the warmth in the air. We didn't do anything too special except enjoy the outdoors. I didn't even care that the girls might get their light colored clothing dirty SHOCK! It's okay, I figured they're going to outgrow it anyways so it won't be worn again. But it was fun to watch them hanging out in the yard exploring the ground beneath them.



C3 was also doing some exploring of his own.


And in case anyone was wondering...where are the parents??


We were out there enjoying the sun too!!

Just like the weather can change literally overnight, so can children. It's pretty amazing (to me anyways) to watch a child do one thing one day and something completely different the next. It's like the light bulb goes on & they suddenly just get it.

Cati was army crawling strictly on her arms & we figured since she pretty much mastered that kind of crawling, she probably wouldn't want to figure out another way or the right way for that matter. And I think I posted what Valentina was doing...ummm...nothing. She would just lay there on her belly spin around & cry from frustration. Suddenly it all changed. On Saturday not much had changed & by Sunday night they were on all fours moving forward! Double take...what??!!

And now they're all over the place moving from place to the next..behind the TV...the bottom of the stairs...


And getting into things they clearly shouldn't be into...uuggh. Wish me luck!
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cati's 1st Tooth

Since the girls turned 3 months old I've heard countless of "oh they must be teething." Yet there was never a sign of a tooth in sight. After ooodles of drool, rivers of cranky tears, diaper rashes, etc. etc. A tooth has finally arrived! I felt the tip coming through a couple of weeks ago but until you can visible see it I was reluctant to celebrate the arrival of Catalina's first tooth. Now, she can revel in the joy of her much awaited tooth!



We all were anxious to see this happen since it is a little on the late side. I know there are tons of children who don't see a tooth for months but still we were pretty excited about it and quite impatient. I for one wanted to finally be able to say..."why YES, yes she is teething. You see she's got a couple of teeth already!" It just seems that whenever a child has a little spit, is a little cranky, is enjoying chewing on something, or anything for that matter, the comments are usually the same 'ol "it MUST be she's teething" And yet there was never a remote sign that any tooth was on it's way. So big ups to my pediatrician Dr. M who very confidently predicted they would have teeth by our next appointment! :)

My other little peanut unfortunately is still very happily showing her gums!


Or maybe not so happy...maybe her new toy will help her wait patiently for her 1st tooth.


Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker!