Sippy Cups?? Who knew there are about 1,000 different options out there. So there's this...
And this..
And of course this..
And remember it needs to be BPA moms know what the heck this means. But then we have free flowing, low suctions, sippy with a straw, all the bells & whistles you can think of. Here I thought I was going in to buy a simple cup so the girls start drinking water/juice on their own. It should have been a 15 minute trip to the baby store...turned out to be like an hour! Who knew?
And now that the girls are starting to use their feet to move around...the stylish unparctical shoes are no longer suitable for their tiny tootsies mainly because they fall off their feet or can easily be taken off by someone..hmmm. And there is no shortage of options here either. This of course makes a lot more sense to me. There can never be too many shoes. Let's see, there's Robeez, and PediPeds, and of course the ones we all know & love, Stride Rite.
When it comes to shoes, well who can argue with having a good assortment of shoes to choose from, right? I won't mention how many shoes the girls now own, as this information can be used against me by my husband :)
Just thought I'd chime in, I've found the perfect sippy cup! It only took practically buying every other type. lol They're called Tilty Cups, you can google them. They're BPA free and all that jazz. Their design is really great because you don't have to tip them up so far to get liquid out of them. They do require a bit of supervision because they don't have valves, but I've found my girls REALLY didn't like valved cups when they first switched to sippies!
We started out with the second ones - cheap, disposable, and no biggie if they melt in the dishwasher.
Love the pedi-peds and stride rite. Also a big fan of Geoxx. I always get J his sneakers there.
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